lundi 4 février 2013

Think outside the box

The public prosecution officially accused Mr. Kamel L’tayef –businessman, more suspected even known by public opinion as the advisor and coordinator of all operations of the deposed president Ben Ali – of conspiracy to state security therefore travel banned him, after receiving a petition   provided by Mr. Cherif Jbeli , an “independent” lawyer .

                        “First rule of business, protect your investment.” Etiquette of the Banker 1775

In business like in politics, if you don’t protect yourself you are doomed to failure. This is exactly what the government is doing. With the ascent of the movement NIDA (the call of Tunisia) -which is winning some points since his creation with the political violence exercised against him, the government “blindness” towards the infractions to national security done by the salafists and with both the charisma and experience of their current leader Beji Kaid Essebsi who occupied the position of prime minister of the transitional government- , the troika and especially the movement NAHDA felt the threat of a serious contender in the next elections hence the need to prevent its ascent. If we rely to public opinion, a personality like Kamel L’tayef should have testimonials and most important proofs that may knock down many characters of the opposition side mostly from NIDA- which is mainly composed of members of the RCD the ex-party of the deposed president- and thus maintain the NADHA’s leverage. But would he cooperate or take his secrets to the tomb hoping that NIDA wins the next elections and reconsider his potential sentence?

     “The art of politics consists in knowing precisely when it is necessary to hit an opponent slightly below the belt.”  -Konrad Adenauer-

Let’s have a deeper look at the juridical circumstances that went along with the accusation. Is it conceivable that an “independent” lawyer succeed to have crucial information concerning someone who’s conspiring to state security where the ministry of interior and all the state institutions with all their powerful means failed? Does he have some kind of “independent” intelligence agency? Are proofs solid enough to hold such a case against someone as powerful as Kamel L’tayef does not need legal warrants to be provided? Or is it an escape plan is case of the government is blamed for investigating on an opponent?  Is this the new way of the legitimate government and its very independent justice? Can proofs acquired without legal warrants hold in court? Which leads us to the next question: Are they really pursuing Kamel L’tayef to take down the opposition?  Or is a political maneuver to demonstrate strength in order to shiver the NIDA party?

Malek Ben Temessek

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