Over the last few years China has raised itself between the most
powerful and influent countries
in the world, that’s
thank to their political
decisions to open up this communist country to the world. China has known one
of the biggest economic growths over the last years (10% of growth)
China has become a
very attractive country for worldwide companies.Its development is based on
Indeed it has built its economic development thanks to its large and cheap labor.
China is a country that attracts a lot of companies that delocalized there in
order to increase their benefits and to win the huge Chinese market. The
Chinese population is up to 1 350 000 000 habitants which means 1 350
000 000 potential buyers.
Besides, the Chinese Market is a relatively new market, in 1970 the
Chinese government decided to start a socialist
market economy after the death of Mao Zedong in 1976,the government led by Deng Xiaoping decided to
open the Chinese market to foreign investments because that would decrease the
unemployment ratefrom…….% to 6.5%
and that would modernize the Chinese economy while keeping its political regime.
Since 1987,with
the industrial boom, China, nicknamed the workshop of the world,hastaken a major role in the
industry of textile, iron, electronic andlow quality objects keeping a very low
China is really integrated in the international scene, it is member in
all the international financial organisms, IMF in 1980, World Bank in 1981, and
APEC in 1993 and finally it is part of the World Trade organization in 2001.
The communist ideology doesn’t exist anymore in China; there is a
growing idea of the liberal economy in an authoritarian regime with a unique
political party.
The Olympic Games in 2008 whichtook
place in Beijing comforts China’s position in the international scene
The economists agree to say that China is going to becomethe first economic power in 4 years.
But how long will China
stay the first economic power in the world?
Well not that long .First
of all because of the political decision made by the Chinese government of the
unique born. The strength of China is its young, active and hard working
population. This decision will decrease the number of labor and China needs its
labor in order to maintain the growth of the economy.
Besides,this decision made by the
government to reduce the number of newborns will lead to an aging of the
population and that could lead to a problem of financing the retirements.
Moreover, china has a problem in the repartition of its wealth( 15.5% of
the Chinese population live under the
threshold of poverty ), the Chinese littoralconcentrating the majority of the
population and the majority of the activities whereas the inside stays
China has also to ameliorate its relations with Japan and South Korea if
this country wants to have a major role in the international scene. South Korea
is the country that trades most with China(17.1% of Chinese exportations go to
South Korea and 9.3% of Chinese importations come for South Korea) but by
supporting the North Korean regime the Chinese government is threatening to
deteriorate its relations with South Korea.
Besides, China is in conflict with Japan about the Senkaku Islands that
both claim as part of their territory. This conflict has already cost to the
Chinese government more than b$ 500, and the Japanese companies fled China
because very recently a big wave of violent strikes was led against the
Japanese companies in China.
Japan is the biggest supplier of China, 11.2% of Chinese importations
come from Japan and 7.8% of Chinese exportations go to Japan.
China may have already lost a huge economical partner and it may have
even lost its influence in the south eastern Asian countries
Moreover in the future, China will also have to face the competition
against India that will become second economic power behind the USA in four
China has a lot of advantages that comforts this country as one of the
most powerful countries around the world. China is a country that developed
itself very quickly and raised itself as a major figure in the international
scene. But it has also a lot of improvements especially in the foreign
relations field to do in order to maintain its position in the podium of the
most powerful and influential countries around the world.
Mourad Khaled
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